Jan Hugenroth
January 3, 2022

The Operations Automation Playbook (2024 edition)

Last Update: January 2024

Understand the opportunity

There is an uncaptured trillion-dollar opportunity, created by the massively wasteful coordination activities carried out by employees in businesses around the world, every single day. Businesses cannot afford to leave this opportunity untapped, and have implemented broad-reaching, digital transformation initiatives to capture it.

The problem is, digital transformations fail more often than not. That’s because they’re poorly planned, incompletely executed, and – critically – are too often focused on legacy system upgrades, instead of reinnovating the actual interworkings of the business itself: it’s operations processes.

Fortunately there is a better, faster method. But first we need to understand the problem: why do so many leading businesses get digital transformation wrong?

Capture the opportunity

Processes – unlike tasks or projects – are how companies create sustained value. But where SG&A processes have dedicated systems (e.g. ERP for Finance/Accounting, CRM for Sales, etc.), operations processes generally do not live in a dedicated system, leaving operations leads and their teams with makeshift solutions, held up by layers of manual coordination work using email, spreadsheets, chats, meetings, task managers, and other tools.

Our process-focused playbook puts managers into the driver’s seat for automating operations, using a clear, 4-step approach that will generate impact for your business in less than a month. The results of working through this playbook will be a prioritized, operations automation agenda for your business, and your first, fully-implemented pilot process that will help create the early momentum to carry you through your process automation journey

Table of contents

Part I – Understand the opportunity


The 5 misconceptions about process automation

Part II – Capture the opportunity

Find the right tool

Prioritize your automation agenda

Build your pilot process

Run and manage performance

Get your free copy (73 pages)



About the author
Jan is the founder and CEO of Next Matter. Combining his passion for business and technology, he is excited about bringing the benefits of digitization to businesses and enterprises around the world.

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