Build workflows.
Deliver experiences.
Connect people, systems & data with end-to-end experiences, powered by workflow automation. Easy to integrate and infinitely customizable.

Design the perfect workflow
Drag-and-drop to create workflows that thread together human tasks, system automations, and database interactions.

Integrate systems, automate work, do magic with data 🪄‍
Integrate your systems & apps
Connect your service platform, CRM, communications tools, and custom-built systems directly to Next Matter.
Automate work & tasks
Configure no-code and low-code automations to eliminate manual work and make system tasks happen automatically.
Use data 1,000 different ways
Use database integrations & tables to structure, manipulate, reference, and automate data within your workflows.
Design the perfect workflow
Drag-and-drop to create multi-step workflows connecting human tasks, system automations, and database interactions.

Integrate systems, automate work, do magic with data 🪄‍
Integrate your systems & apps
Connect your service platform, CRM, communications tools, and custom-built systems directly to Next Matter.
Automate work & tasks
Configure no-code and low-code automations to eliminate manual work and make system tasks happen automatically.
Use data 1,000 different ways
Use database integrations & tables to structure, manipulate, reference, and automate data within your workflows.
Create apps & experiences that enable people
A workflow toolbox ready for complex jobs
Build with UI & AI
Drag-and-drop or create with AI
Branching & Nesting
Group steps inside parallel steps
Conditional logic
Steer actions based on inputs
Create multiple loops & branches
Reviews & Approvals
Decisions made ready in seconds
Multiple triggers
Webhook, recurring, and more
Batch launch
Trigger multiple instances in bulk
Set up any 3rd party automation
Branded, self-service interfaces
Public forms
Engage with any external users
Custom tables, filters, & alerts
Builder Assistant
Build, debug & more with AI
Organizational tool for builders
Run tests in a safe environment
Version control
View & roll back to prior versions
Every change logged & auditable
Integrations that work the way you do
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Integrations that do the heavy lifting
Connect workflows and get more out of the tools you rely on every day! Use no-/low-code and custom API to automate tasks, put your data to work, and create better experiences for teams, customers, and partners.
Use automation templates
Build custom integrations
Connect your data pipeline
Powerful forms that end users love

Many ways to get started – choose yours

Builders love Next Matter
Here’s why:
Next Matter ticks every box for us
"Next Matter had the right visuals and workflows with a mix of manual and automated tasks, traceability tools, as well as conditional assignment and escalation."
We automate workflows exactly as we want
"Next Matter was the only solution that could automate our workflows exactly as we wanted. It’s simple, integrates with all our tools, and is super easy to use."
From idea to “go-live” in a matter of days
Next Matter enabled us to go from idea, to working process, to go-live with a reliable solution in a matter of days. That kind of speed and efficiency is highly valuable.
Wouldn’t have been possible without it
"Without Next Matter, achieving this scale of integration across people, tasks, emails, and software for complete oversight and traceability would not have been possible."
Here’s what’s being built by customers right now
From customer support to anti-financial crime, Next Matter workflows are equipped to tackle your most complex operations.
Breakdown Support

Near-Miss Incident Report

Retail Product Returns

Quarterly Portfolio Report

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Enhanced Due Diligence (AFC)

B2B Customer Onboarding

Repair Request Management

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