Product Shoptalk #02 – Workflow Versions, Task Notifications, Out-of-Office, and More
Alright Folks. It’s that time again.
Welcome to another episode Shoptalk, the monthly product update format from Next Matter, where we run down our top product updates from the past months.
In this episode, we're covering several updates that might be extra relevant for your organizations compliance, regulatory, and quality management initiatives – essentially, making you ready for audit! If you're looking for more information on how to use Next Matter for compliance, check out our compliance solution page here.
Alright, let’s jump into this month’s Shoptalk.
Workflow Managers
- Workflow Versions
- Quick Searches & Improved Filters
- Box Integration
- More Google Sheets Steps
End Users
- Email Notifications
- Slack Notifications
- Out-of-Office
Workflow Managers
Workflow Versions ▶

Our latest release – Workflow Versions – enable you to easily view, share and even re-use previous versions of your workflow and report exactly how things were running at any point in time. You can use the flowchart or the linear builder to display the workflow to your auditors.
A second use case of the Workflow Versions is the ability to edit live workflows without interrupting live instances. You just create a new draft version with a simple copy paste. That is extremely useful when you need to test and update workflows based on the newest compliance requirements – like new regulations coming into effect and make compliance your competitive advantage instead of a risk for your business.
Quick Searches & Improved Filters ▶
New filters in your dashboard allow for easier and faster ways to find the exact workflow instance you need. Now, the most used fields such as the search bar and the tag filter are more prominent, and the remaining filters are available under Advanced search.
Our customers love Box, and we love it too. If you don’t know it, it’s a content management and collaboration platform. Well, Builders can integrate Box and upload files directly to workflow steps or download documents from steps and send them to Box. It’s easy.
Box Integration ▶
The latest update to the integration makes setting up workflows with Box ever easier. You no longer need to provide credentials when you're creating a step that sends or receives documents from Box.
Now, you can set Box up as a pre-configured integration and provide your credentials only once when you activate your integration. Go to Company > Integrations to set it up.
More Google Sheets Steps ▶

More new automations for sheets!
Whether you’re using sheets as a database, a tracking system, or even as a calculator, we’ve added even more sheet automations to help you get the job done within your workflows, and customize your sheet functions to work exactly as you need them to.
Our user-focused product team has one goal in mind – decreasing time to action.
By reducing the time it takes a user to process the information in a task, we help them carry out the task faster and with less friction – ultimately leading to workflows running more accurately and efficiently.
Task Notifications
Email ▶
We made several UX improvements to highlight the most pertinent information of a task. It reads easier and works better for engaging users to take action.
Slack ▶

A large portion of customers prefer Slack notifications to Email. Well, now you can just decide how you want to be notified about which kinds of tasks: yours, your teams, and also for keeping tabs on workflow instances starting and ending.
Out-of-Office ▶

Next Matter out of office works pretty much like your normal email out of office, but a whole lot better.
With your Next Matter out of office switched on, it won't be possible to assign new tasks to you, and you can select from existing team members who you want to cover for you while you’re away.
Final Updates
Book a demo with us
If you want to try Next Matter, we give you a nice demo with in-product onboarding, send you free resources, and get our operations experts to stand by and help you with any more advanced building you want to try. Check it out:
That’s it for this update! Subscribe to the blog and our video channel to be notified of future updates.